Home > Tire and Auto Repair Blog > Three Signs You Need Urgent Trailer Brake Repair

The braking system is a sensitive component of a trailer. Unlike smaller personal cars, trailers carry massive loads, which means failing breaks can easily cause a dangerous drift when slowing down. Also, trailers can cause serious accidents due to the inertia of the load and the sheer size of the mechanical components involved.

Three Signs You Need Urgent Trailer Brake Repair

Here are a few more reasons why you shouldn’t delay trailer brake repair services:

  1. Complying with safety standards. Braking problems are a major point of concern on trailers. Failing to get such issues fixed puts you and other road users in danger. Such negligence is a violation of the law. Our professional team at Lindsay Tire Automotive & Accessories is available to inspect, repair, or replace the brakes on your trailer to ensure maximum safety on the road.
  2. Excess wear on the vehicle. If your load’s braking system is failing, the tow vehicle will do all the work when stopping the trailer. While this won’t be a concern when going uphill, it can easily cause overheating of the brakes while driving downhill. Failure to get trailer brake repair in time can be expensive, as you may have to replace the entire braking system or tires.
  3. Uncomfortable hauling. A trailer with failing breaks is rough to haul regardless of the terrain or road condition. You’ll have to consider unusual driving factors, such as braking earlier than usual to accommodate drift.

Our team of experts is ready to handle your trailer brake repair. Contact us today for auto services you can trust.