CV & Drive Axle, Clemmons, NC

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We offer high-quality CV & drive axle repair services.

The drive train on your car, truck, sport utility vehicle, or van works with many different parts to make sure your car drives correctly and can execute turns with ease, and also provides power and velocity to your tires.  The CV & drive axle works as part of the drive train to make sure your tires are always supplied with power.  If you need work done on your CV & drive axle, we can take care of you at Lindsay Tire Automotive & Accessories.

CV & Drive Axle in Clemmons, North Carolina

When your CV & drive axle are having problems, it can cause your vehicle to make a clicking noise every time you turn.  If you notice this happening, it is a good idea to have it looked at.  If you notice increased vibrations when you are driving, this can also indicate a bad or failing CV & drive axle.  These signs should not be ignored because if your CV joint or drive axle fail, your car will not drive.  If you happen to be driving at the time it fails, it can cause you to lose all control of the vehicle and can cause a serious accident.  When you notice something that is not normal on your car, it is best to have it checked out to avoid serious injuries to yourself, your passengers, or other drivers on the road.

If you are having problems with your CV & drive axle and are in the Clemmons, North Carolina area, call us at Lindsay Tire Automotive & Accessories today to schedule a service appointment.  Our qualified technicians can take a look and diagnose the problem quickly.  We can get the CV joints and drive axle replaced so you can be safe on the road.  We only use quality parts and have fair and affordable prices.  You will be in good hands with us at Lindsay Tire!

At Lindsay Tire Automotive & Accessories, we offer CV & drive axle services for those from Clemmons and Advance, North Carolina.