Get all the information you need for your next oil change here at Lindsay Tire.
We can’t all be as informed or skilled about our vehicles as trained and certified mechanics. However, when it comes to vehicle maintenance, just about everyone who has a car knows at least a little about the importance of getting regular oil changes. Here at Lindsay Tire Automotive & Accessories, we recognize oil as the lifeblood of your vehicle and will treat your oil change with care and consideration each time you come in. There are a few things to keep in mind considering oil changes these days, including:
- Frequency- The old standard rule of getting the oil changed every three months has been proven to be more frequent than necessary. Some cars can go anywhere from 3,000 all the way up 7,000 miles before needing an oil change– but these factors vary and should be discussed with a mechanic before increasing mileage between oil changes.
- Type of oil- Synthetic oils are great products, but you may pay more for them. The type of oil you choose for your oil change can also impact the frequency of your oil changes, so adjust accordingly.
- Mileage- The more miles your car has, the more frequently you will need to start changing the oil, even on newer models.
Here at Lindsay Tire, we are here to help you with all your automotive needs, including oil changes when necessary. If you are in the Clemmons, North Carolina area and are looking for a place to get an oil change, along with skilled mechanical services, come and see us at Lindsay Tire today!
At Lindsay Tire Automotive & Accessories, we offer oil change services for those from Clemmons and Advance, North Carolina.